Quick Memo

Hi Everybody,

This week’s post is not much of a post but a letter to my readers. I have been having a lot of fun writing for The DM’s Table and interacting with all of you! Though I have found a good flow for pacing for posting week to week, I have allowed it to creep too much into other facets of my life. So I will be scaling back on publishing posts. This will allow me to focus more on being a father, a good employee, and great DM. I am very excited for where we want to take The DM’s Table and I promise this to not be my last post. I would expect monthly posts, that will come out on the First Thursday of every month. This month you are getting less and for that I am sorry, but next month, watch out, as I will have another nerdy post for you yet! Expect the next post to be on October 5th. Until then you can always just listen to Roll with Advantage as we will still be posting our weekly podcast!

Thank you all, and I appreciate your readership,

-- The DM