The DM's Table

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Image from Wizards of the Coast and D&D Beyond

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The Hook

A Quickling gang has been bugging this town for weeks. Their goal is to gain the nearby Red Dragon's favor using bribes. They're waiting for "the big score", a caravan, to pass through town in a couple of days.

Inspiration to Draw on

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Quicklings live fast, literally, by D&D lore they are a magically altered race that moves at blinding speeds and tend to live on 15’ish years. So if you where a fey creature that had fifteen years to live and can move at almost a blinding speed, what would you do? These folk tend to spend that precious time fooling others. But why ally with a dragon you might ask? Aside from what you, the reader, might cook up in that wonderfully fantastic skull. Quicklings traditionally pair with slower, powerful entities. They tend to be great information gathers, and a perfect addition to a theft group. Quicklings also communicate extremely fast and they would see the average common speaker to talk as slow as how we preserve wales to communicate. This means they probably tend to shy away from conversation as it is unbearably slow with someone not up to their speed, and half the time they find they must repeat them selves for communicating too fast.

Dragons might use Quicklings to do their bidding of raiding caravans, robbing merchants or even some spying. Though they can be very difficult, Quicklings are fast, cheep, and very expendible.

Check out D&D Beyond or your always near to hand Volo's Guide to Monsters for more history on Quicklings and remember to have fun with it!

Fair Use

Monster of the Week is a series we put together as a way to help DM’s generate ideas for adventures or campaigns. Please feel free to use these ideas freely. If you do use these ideas for published content, we just ask that you reference DM’s Table and reference

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